“Align Body, Mind and Spirit: Experience the Realm of Holistic Healing”



Cupping therapy is an ancient healing technique.

Involves placing cups on your skin to create suction. This technique is believed to draw blood to or away from certain parts of your body. People use cupping therapy for various reasons, including pain and inflammation relief, relaxation, and well-being, as well as a type of deep-tissue massage.

How It Works

Cups are placed on the skin and manually pumped to create suction.

  • The cups are left on the skin for several minutes.
  • The suction pulls the skin upward, increasing blood flow to the area.
  • The increased blood flow draws impurities and toxins away from the nearby tissues and organs.

Types of Cups Used

  • Silicone
  • Plastic

Conditions Treated with Cupping Therapy

  • Blood disorders such as anemia and hemophilia
  • Rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia
  • Back pain and other types of body pain and scar tissue.
  • Neck and shoulder pain.
  • High blood pressure
  • Migraines
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Bronchial congestion caused by allergies and asthma
  • Varicose veins
  • Cellulite

Cupping for Pain Management

The pressure from cupping stimulates large nerve fibers, which can block pain signals to the brain sent by other nerves. This process, known as the gate control system, occurs in our spinal cords. Activating these nerve fibers can block pain transmission, making cupping effective for managing chronic pain, knee osteoarthritis, low back pain, neck pain, and chronic back pain.

Cupping therapy helps smooth the appearance of cellulite

Delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, rejuvenates it, and reduces cellulite. The theory of cupping for cellulite is that negative pressure promotes draining of accumulated fluids, toxins, and other chemical compounds — from interstitial fluid to blood and lymphatic capillaries, especially the lipids in cellulite, help smooth the appearance of cellulite. 

Marks from Cupping

Cupping marks are a common side effect and are usually circular, ranging in color from light pink to dark purple, depending on your skin tone and the amount of pressure used. These marks typically fade within 1-10 days.

What to Expect After Cupping

After a cupping session, you may see round red marks on your skin, which should fade within a week or two. Your therapist may advise you to drink plenty of water to flush out toxins, stay warm, and rest. You might feel a bit tired, similar to fighting a minor illness, which therapists say is a normal side effect of your body detoxifying. Many people feel relaxed after cupping therapy. The suction from the cups can help relieve pain and inflammation, and promote relaxation

per session

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