“Align Body, Mind and Spirit: Experience the Realm of Holistic Healing”

Himalayan Salt Stones

Himalayan Salt Stones

Himalayan Salt Stone Massage:

This innovative therapy utilizes warm Himalayan salt stones, often infused with rose quartz crystals, to provide a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

  • Grounding & Balancing: The warm stones help ground and balance the body's energy field, supporting the central nervous system and meridian pathways.
  • Harmonizing & Enlightening the Auric Field: It is believed to harmonize and enlighten the auric field, promoting a sense of well-being and spiritual connection.
  • Mineral Rich: Himalayan salt is rich in over 80 minerals, which are absorbed through the skin, aiding in detoxification and supporting cellular health.
  • Exfoliation: The smooth, warm stones provide gentle exfoliation, leaving your skin feeling soft and refreshed.
  • Relaxation & Stress Relief: The warmth of the stones and the gentle massage movements deeply relax the muscles, reducing stress and promoting a sense of tranquility.
per session

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